Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hospital stay!!!

So here she is Madison Belle Kramer!! After almost 40 hours of labor she is finally here. They induce me 3 weeks early because of high blood pressure. She was born on Feb. 10th 2008 at 8:20am. She was 7lbs 3oz and 21 inches long.
Because of the high blood pressure they put me on magnesium which makes baby's sorta limpy so when she was born they rushed her off to the NICU.

They gave her fluids and monitored her vitals(I-V in her arm).

but in the process they found she has a virus called CMV.
(we will find out more about this on march 19th)

(the I-V was backing up in her arm so they moved it to her head)

She also had jaundice so her she is with her cool sun glasses for the billieruben(?) lights

She was there over valentines day so the NICU nurses gave her a cute dress to wear.

Well after 6 days in the NICU she was finally able to come home!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.